So, I thought i'd give a little tiny glimpse into the more complicated life of a med student. And what better way to understand than to talk $$, especially when applying for residency. Because so many people out there don't understand exactly how much it costs to become a doctor. So here are a few fun $$ amounts that I have to deal with:
So Licensing exams. There are 3 of them that every doctor takes. Step 1 is written and after second year. Step 2 is both written and oral after third year. And Step 3 is written, only pass or fail and is taken your first year of residency (also known as intern year). This year these are how much it cost me.
- Licensing exam - Step 2. Written: $500 (i'm taking 2 the MD & the DO)
- Licensing exam - Step 2. Oral: $1,500 + plane ticket + hotel + rental car (this is a 2 day event)
Actual Application process:
- Applying to programs costs money. So the first 10 programs in 1 specialty cost $92.00 flat fee for 11-20 programs add on extra $9/program 21-30 programs add on $15/program and 21-30 programs add $15/program 31+ programs add $25/program (i plan on a minimum of 50). Some people apply to more than one specialty. I don't know if i can afford it.
- release for my licensing exam scores costs $70 each (so x2)
- transcripts from the school cost $5 1 time fee
- registration for the MD match costs $50
- registration for the DO match costs $60
Plus it doesn't help that I am officially going to be close to a million dollars in debt when I'm out. This means my minimum monthly payment is going to be over $3,000/mo for the next 10 years or more of my life. Is there any wonder why so many people aren't a fan of capping doctor's salaries? Or so many don't go to medical school anymore?
Also, Is there any wonder why I have no motivation to study for this exam? It is never-ending. Now I have to go force myself to study.