I'm BACK! and kickin'! I am soooo happy to report that I am no longer in the funk of post-interview, post-graduation. I needed the break and loved every second that I wasn't studying. And I finally feel like I can breathe again. Although i'm not quite nervous about residency I'm also not dreadding it.
We do orientation this first month while all you suckers get yelled at we are doing simulations, scavenger hunts and being signed off on chest tubes. And as much as I came in skeptical, I like it here. Okay, I maybe LOVE it. You know how you were so excited for college, and super excited and motivated for med school.... well the honeymoon phase of doing what you've finally chosen hits you like a brick.
Maybe its because I don't know any better, but for now: Its BOMB. Its not perfect, its a pretty dingy old hospital that sounds like there are lots of problems between surgery and er (big surprise). There are some attending problems but I can forgive it all.
The other ER intern boys... are epically awesome. Its not all about sports like I feared, they instead bonded over making fun of me, which is all in good fun. They make fun of where I'm from and that I'm the "leader" or whatever. Ha! Its like having 8 lewd brothers. I think the key is I join in sometimes on the "that's what she said" jokes and am not easily offended and suddenly its all okay. We have TONS OF FUN. I am friends with them and their wives. I'm a little heartbroken this month will end and we won't all get to hang out as much. Everyone is very smart but more importantly chill, awesome and hysterical. I could go on, but I realize I'm getting rant-y.
So instead a few things for post-graduation facts before I forget.
#1- Medical licenses are a pain in the ass... apply early and immediately.
#2- There is a rumor that you have to get your residency contract read by a lawyer. Some ppl did and some didn't. But you can't actually change it anyway, so just sign it and move on. (but do read it!)
#3- Consolidate those loans. It takes a few months for that to go through. And although that means you are giving up your grace periods for the loans... if you are aiming for loan forgiveness through public service you gotta make as many payments on them as possible. I'm doing the whole Pay As You Go during residency. ((edit: if you don't want the PSLF plan then be sure to go ahead an hire a financial planner you trust, we're talking BIG money now kids. We can't make mistakes))
#4- Screw studying before residency. Instead, decorate your new place, go out or plan something for your new interns and make friends. You WON'T have time later. That social network turned out to be way more important than I thought.
#5- Do something fun. Get caught up on all your tv shows or movies or hike in Europe, or do whatever! Do something epic. Its your very last months of freedom. DO NOT WASTE IT.