During the day I carry a pad and ppr to keep track of what to read when I go home, a maxwells because it has cm on the back mostly, and also the Tarascon emergency medicine pocketbook. I love having all those facts at my fingertips. I do use Medscape on my phone because its free, but I find I don't have time to use uptodate or other online resources as much as everyone else seems to. I do have a black pocket sized notebook in my bag i call my little black book... I write down all my workups and fun facts and other things I learn in it, so I can constantly reference it.
The two big texts in emergency medicine are Rosens and Tintinelli's. While both are texts full of information, I don't really like them all that well. I just don't seem to study well from them and they don't have quick facts. I can't carry them with me and I don't find them all that practical. Plus they are sooo expensive.
I really like the podcasts: EMbasic, EMCrit, and EMRAP. The first two are FREE and only 20 mins per episode. The last one is more for ER only people updating old criteria and the like. But These three have gotten me through many jams and its easy to listen to one on the way to and from work or at the gym.
I also really depend on First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Clerkship or as resident First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Boards. These have had the basics of things I need to know are are relatively cheap.
Hope this helps.
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