- Arrive at 4:30am or 5:00am (depending on how many patients I have)
- Round on all my post-op pts (involves waking them up and doing a SOAP on everyone, labs, etc)
- Meet with Resident at 7am to round with them, and you better know your patients new stuff...
- Sometimes there is a lull after rounds where i can snag breakfast and study for an hour, most days not
- Visit patients in pre-op and write pre-op notes at least 1 hour before their surgery
- Scrub in and enter 'sterile zone' where have to wear cafeteria lady-like hat, mask and booties.
- Wait for surgeon/patient/resident to arrive, surgery to start, room to be cleaned, etc
- Watch scheduled surgeries (hope you've read on em the night before). Since there are so many students I only scrub in on 1 a day (scrub in means potential for me to actually do something like hold a retractor) The rest of the surgeries I stand on a stool looking over somebody's shoulder. If i'm lucky I can see what they're doing. Most of the time not. Also if its a good day the surgeon will ask me questions and think i'm stupid when i don't know the answer. But most of the time I have to stand still for 5-8 hours at a time on a stool quietly and I sneak practice my surgery 'ties' with the 3.0 vicryl suture i stole and sewed my scrub pants. (you can leave it there all day and nobody notices).
- Answer consult pages for entire hospital for gen surg
- Round with the attending- more just getting approval for what we've decided to do- lots more pimping (asking questions in a derogatory way).

I don't mind the hours. And I don't mind being busy or not knowing the answer. I just hate all the WAITING. I hate standing on stools and looking at nothing. I hate the attitudes of most of the surgeons I encounter- tho it's really not as bad as TV says. I am surprised to say it, but despite LOVING anatomy and despite LIVING for procedures.... surgery sucks. I don't want to do it --even a little bit.
Weird. I expected surgery to steal my heart and I was scared with all my procedure and anatomy love I was going to have to talk myself out of surgery because of the horrible hours. But no, I don't even have to talk about surgery at all. I already dread my last rotation-- trauma surgery. At least I'll be down in the ER most of the time. I guess we'll see if anything picks up or not.
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